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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Girl’s Playhouse Plans

Little girls love to play house and if you give your child a playhouse of her own, you are actually giving her hours and hours of fun times to play pretend house outside. Building a girl’s playhouse will mean that your child does not have to play with cardboard boxes or under tables or blankets. She can have a whale of time in her playhouse, invite her friends over for tea parties and generally have a blast.
Consult your child to find out what her ideas of a playhouse are and then go online to find a girl’s playhouse plans free of cost that you can download. There are several models available that you can find building plans for. Go for something distinctive and download the detailed instructions that are part of the plans. All you will need to do is follow the materials list to buy what is required to build the playhouse and then follow the detailed instructions to construct the playhouse.
You can find girls’ playhouse plans that range from the simple, functional one room playhouse to the more elaborate castle styles. You can also find multi-functional playhouse designs with a play area for swings and a slide.
Make sure you choose a set of plans that give you complete building instructions down to the smallest detail and not plans that expect you to guess what happens next or fill in the blanks. Read over the instructions a couple of times to make sure you understand them thoroughly and are fully confident of constructing the playhouse. Any areas where you have doubts, for example if the roof construction is not too clear, do more research on other sites to see if you can find clearer instructions.
Needless to say you would have to be a skilled do it yourself person to put together a girls playhouse. If you have doubts about whether you will be able to follow the instructions, get a professional to draw up a set of blueprints and provide detailed instructions. This will be cheaper than if you botch things up and have to do it all over again. Simple designs are really the best option because the instructions will be easy to follow.
You can build a simple framework and then add to it to give it that distinctive look. Get your child involved in the project. Colors and interior decoration should be based on her ideas and she will be thrilled to be a part of the project. Don’t forget to put her name up on the front and any designs she wants can be stenciled and then painted, or you can get stick on designs. Girls usually like flower decals and bright, sunny colors.
Don’t forget to include furniture in your budget. Bean bags or a child’s table and chairs are a good idea so that she has a work space for her activities. You can always rope in the mother as well and make it a family project. Mom can help with putting up window boxes with flowers and pretty curtains and door mats.
At the end of it all, you are going to have one overjoyed child.

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